Welcome to ‘emperiotechnologia’,

It’s great to have you on the blog and fantastic that you’re taking an interest in who we are and what we do!

Technology Bloggers is a community blog, which is run and supported by several individuals. We have a strong team of committed authors who post regularly and also a wide variety of articles from a diverse range of guest authors.

Emperiotechnologia was founded in 2019 by Krishna d nicked as ‘krish’. I from very early age had an interest in Technology and how thing works around me. So, I started exploring and while exploring I learned and read many books watched video to satisfy my appetite for knowledge, while doing this I realized that I have a good knowledge about this and should start blogging to help others. Because when I started in this field, I personally didn’t have many options. Back in my mind always had a thought to create a way I can share the world the information to world.

               We don’t just give you the info, news but provide you glimpses of future.